Clickfunnels 2.0 vs Classic - What’s The Difference?

ClickFunnels 2.0 vs Classic – What’s The Difference?

I recently reviewed the pricing of ClickFunnels 2.0, but in this post, I am going to give a side-by-side review of “ClickFunnels 2.0 vs Classic” to show you the main differences between ClickFunnels 2.0 and its predecessor, Classic.

ClickFunnels 2.0 has just launched and Russell Brunson says it’s built on a totally different platform, touted as a completely different tool than ClickFunnels Classic, but how different is it? Let’s dive right in!

ClickFunnels 2.0 vs Classic: Feature Comparison Scorecard

FeatureClickFunnels ClassicClickFunnels 2.0
Sales Funnels20 w/ Starter Plan
UL w/ Platinum Paln
UL w/ 2CC Plan
20 w/ Basic Plan
100 w/ Pro Paln
UL w/ Funnel Hacker
Domains3 w/ Starter Plan
9 w/ Platinum Paln
27 w/ 2CC Plan
1 w/ Basic Plan
3 w/ Pro Paln
9 w/ Funnel Hacker
Websites3 w/ Starter Plan
9 w/ Platinum Paln
27 w/ 2CC Plan
1 w/ Basic Plan
1 w/ Pro Paln
3 w/ Funnel Hacker
Admin Users1 w/ Starter Plan
2 w/ Platinum Paln
10 w/ 2CC Plan
1 w/ Basic Plan
5 w/ Pro Paln
15 w/ Funnel Hacker
Courses1 w/ Starter Plan
3 w/ Platinum Paln
27 w/ 2CC Plan
3 w/ Basic Plan
15 w/ Pro Paln
200 w/ Funnel Hacker
Students1000 w/ Starter Plan
10,000 w/ Platinum Paln
30,000 w/ 2CC Plan
1000 w/ Basic Plan
10,000 w/ Pro Paln
20,000 w/ Funnel Hacker
Payment GatewaysStripe and PaypalStripe and Paypal
Email MarketingNoYes
SEOSlow Loading PagesFast Loading Pages
Memebership SitesYesYes
AnalyticsNo In-Depth AnalyticsIn-Depth Analytics
E-Com StoreNoYes
Customer CenterNoYes
Global ProductsNoYes
A/B TestingYesYes

ClickFunnels 2.0: A Complete Online Business Platform

With ClickFunnels 2.0, it’s no longer just a landing page builder or a sales funnel builder; now you can use ClickFunnels for your entire website. You can host your entire website with a blog, use it as your shopping cart, and also as a membership site.

ClickFunnels Classic already had a membership site, so this isn’t really new, but there are other new features such as CRM functionality, email marketing, and some analytics features added onto 2.0 as well.

My Honest Opinion

Now, the question arises: are these features good, and is it even worth it to upgrade to 2.0? I will let you know my honest opinion at the end of this post, and I will also let you know how you can get an amazing deal on ClickFunnels 2.0.

But before we dive in, I’d like to invite you to share this post so that it can be spread out to the broader community.

ClickFunnels 2.0 Dashboard

Image of the Clickfunnels 2.0 Dashboard

This is the ClickFunnels 2.0 main dashboard, where you can view your high-level numbers like sales and total leads you’ve received.

They also have a very helpful checklist here. On the left-hand side, you can navigate the tool.

The first one here is the “Site and Funnels,” where you can build your websites, publish blog articles, and create sales funnels as well.

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Customizing Your Website

Customizing Your Website on Clickfunnels 2.0

If you click on “Customize,” you can customize how your website looks. This is the main home page where you can see all these different elements.

These come from one of the themes already installed in ClickFunnels, so you don’t necessarily need to start from scratch; just pick one of their themes and build off of that.

You can edit your storefront, so if you have different products or courses, you can edit how the storefront looks like, your blog home, your customer center, and how your course home looks once they log in to access the course.

Editing your website is very similar to Classic. You just hover over any element you want to edit and click on it to edit.

If you want to change any text, just click on it and type. If you want to change any call to action button, you can click on it and edit the button however you want to. You can change the margins, text, action size, spacing, and so on.

Advanced Options

There are also advanced options, such as button templates. I personally like the gradient button, so I clicked on that.

There’s also the logic that you can apply to this button. I’m going to align this to the middle and click out of that and click on save.

You can also publish your blogs over here. Right now, I have four blogs, and you can click on one and edit it if you want. If you published a blog before and you want to make some edits, you can do that right here.

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ClickFunnels 2.0 vs. Classic: Differences

As a ClickFunnels user, I have had the chance to explore both ClickFunnels Classic and the newer version, ClickFunnels 2.0. In this section, I will show you the differences between the two versions and how they work.

ClickFunnels Classic

Firstly, let’s start with ClickFunnels Classic. This version is divided into three main parts – funnels, follow-up funnels, and backpack. The dashboard displays all three sections.

The “Funnels” section is where you can view a list of all your funnels. If you click on a funnel, you can view the individual steps of that funnel, such as the Squeeze page, Sales page, Order form, and more. To edit a particular page, click on the edit page button and make the desired changes.

The user interface (UI) of ClickFunnels Classic may look outdated compared to ClickFunnels 2.0, but it is still easy to navigate.

The UX (user experience) is more straightforward and accessible. The landing page builder in Classic is where you can add new elements, such as headlines, sub-headlines, text, media, forms, countdowns, and miscellaneous elements.

One significant difference between ClickFunnels Classic and ClickFunnels 2.0 is the lack of website and blog creation tools in Classic. Classic only has the option to create funnels, follow-up funnels, and backpacks.

ClickFunnels 2.0

Now let’s move on to ClickFunnels 2.0. This newer version has a more modern and streamlined UI. The dashboard is cleaner, and the elements are more intuitive. However, the UX is not as easy as ClickFunnels Classic.

In ClickFunnels 2.0, you can view your products in the “Products” section. You can change the pricing, variants, SEO, and sharing options for each product. There is also the option to tag your products to organize them better.

Another new feature in ClickFunnels 2.0 is the “Orders” section, where you can view all your orders. This is similar to Shopify, where you can see all the orders made by your customers.

The “Contacts” section in ClickFunnels 2.0 is more comprehensive than in Classic. Here, you can view all your opt-ins, contact tags, segments, and import contacts. You can also segment contacts according to what they did, making it easier to send targeted emails.

Click here to read the pricing plans of Clickfunnels 2.0

Final Comparison: Clickfunnels 2.0 vs. Classic

To compare the two versions, I would say that ClickFunnels Classic is like a ten-year-old Honda Civic.

It may look outdated, but it still works great and is easy to use. On the other hand, ClickFunnels 2.0 is like a 2023 luxury sedan, with all the bells and whistles, but harder to operate.

In terms of functionality, ClickFunnels Classic is perfect for creating funnels, follow-up funnels, and backpacks.

It may not have the same modern UI, but it still works seamlessly. ClickFunnels 2.0, on the other hand, has all the modern features such as product listings, orders, and a more comprehensive CRM system.

Both ClickFunnels Classic and ClickFunnels 2.0 are excellent marketing tools, but the choice of which one to use ultimately depends on your needs. If you are looking for a more modern UI and advanced features, then ClickFunnels 2.0 may be the better choice.

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ClickFunnels 2.0 vs Classic: Price Comparision

Many people may not know that there is a slight difference in price between ClickFunnels Classic and 2.0. That’s why we are going to do an in-depth price analysis of “ClickFunnels 2.0 Vs Classic”. Then we will conclude who provide best price with best offer.

Note: Both ClickFunnels 2.0 and Classic offer a 14-Day free trial for each plan.

ClickFunnels Classic Pricing Plans

ClickFunnels have three price plan: Starter, Platinum and Two Comma Club.

The starter plan costs $97 monthly, giving one user 20 funnels, 100 landing pages, a link to three domain names, and a payment gateway.

The platinum plan costs $297 monthly, giving three users the ability to make many funnel and landing pages and link nine domain names and a payment gateway.

The platinum plan also has a follow-up funnel, email marketing, segmentation, lead scoring, Backpack and branded affiliate platform feature.

Two Comma Club plan costs $2,497 monthly and gives 10 users to use all features of the Platinum plan, plus priority support and VIP phone support.

All plans have live chat support and a membership site/subscription plan feature.

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ClickFunnels 2.0 Pricing Plans

ClickFunnels 2.0 have three price plan: Basic, Pro and Funnel Hacker.

The basic plan costs $127 monthly when paid yearly, giving one user make one website, 20 funnels, three-course and link one domain. The basic plan also has 1,000 students, 10,000 contacts, many workflow, page, product and email sequences, basic analytics and a CF1 maintenance mode plan.

The pro plan costs $157 monthly annually, giving five users the to make one website, 100 funnels, 15 courses, and link three domains. The pro project also has 10,000 students, 25,000 contacts, many workflow, page, product and email sequences, basic analytics, an affiliate program, API access, ShareFunnels and a liquid theme editor.

The Funnel Hacker plan costs $208 every month when paid every year and give 15 users the to make three websites, many funnels, 200 courses, and link to nine domain. Funnel Hacker plan also has 20,000 students, 200,000 contacts, many workflow, page, product and email sequences, advanced analytics, an affiliate program, API access, ShareFunnels and a liquid theme editor. All plans have a free trial option.

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Conclusion: Clickfunnels 2.0 vs. Classic

In conclusion, Clickfunnels 2.0 and Clickfunnels Classic are two different online business platforms with various features.

Clickfunnels 2.0 is a complete online business platform that hosts the entire website, including the blog, shopping cart, membership site, email marketing, CRM functionality, and analytics features. On the other hand, Clickfunnels Classic is divided into three main parts: funnels, follow-up funnels, and backpack. Clickfunnels Classic only has the option to create funnels, follow-up funnels, and backpacks.

The user interface of Clickfunnels 2.0 is more modern and streamlined, while Clickfunnels Classic’s UX is more straightforward and accessible. Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, and it depends on your business needs to decide which platform to use.

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