Build an Email Validation Service Business with ChatGPT

Build an Email Validation Service Business with ChatGPT

Hi everyone! Today in this post, we will explore how to build an entire online business covering both the technical and marketing aspects with the help of AI and ChatGPT.

I have selected an idea that is relatively less competitive yet can be implemented in various ways, making it a good choice for beginners and advanced users. The idea we’ll focus on today is an email validation service business.

People will pay you every month or buy credits to use your service. For example, Debounce is among the best and most affordable email validation services.

As for pricing, people will pay per credit to get 5,000 validations for ten dollars, and so on. Another example is my favorite email validation software, PromoterKit.

PromoterKit has a bulk email verifier in the email section, allowing people to validate emails for free. They have also implemented the API, which people pay to access for email validation.

This post will discuss the technical side of building such services, how to use AI and ChatGPT, and how to market this service. I’ll share some scripts and provide much value in just a few minutes. So, stay tuned and keep reading. Let’s get started!

What Exactly Is an Email Verification Service?

Assume you’re throwing a wedding and have invited all of your pals. When the big day approaches, you learn that half of your pals did not show up because you made a mistake and sent the invitations to the wrong addresses.

Email marketing follows the same logic. If you make a product and want to advertise it via email campaigns, but half of the addresses are incorrect, your campaign will fail and you will miss potential sales. An email validation service is required to avoid this occurrence.

An email validation service’s primary function is to validate the presence of your target recipients’ emails before sending out your campaign. In this post, we will discuss how to create such an email validation tool. This method will help you save money and learn how to start the same business around email validation.

So let’s get started with picking a name for our service.

Step 1: Pick a Name For Your Business

Like any business, you need to have a brand or domain name for your business too. You have two options to find the name for your domain: you brainstorm ideas in your mind, or you can use ChatGPT. To use ChatGPT to find the name of your business, you have to use this secret prompt:

Please generate 10 original and creative domain names specifically tailored for the [niche] niche, focusing on its main concepts and target audience.

Your response should prioritize domain names that effectively capture the attention of the [niche] audience and represent its key themes. 

For each domain name, provide a brief explanation (1-2 sentences
highlighting its relevance to the niche. Ensure that each domain name meets the following criteria:

1. Brand Relevance: Maintain a strong connection with the niche and its central concepts.
2. Memorable: Design the domain names to be captivating, easy to remember, and with familiar spellings.

3. Concise: Keep each domain name between 6-14 characters for easy typing and recall.

4. Simplicity. Avoid using hyphens and numbers for a cleaner appearance.

5. Keyword Incorporation: Utilize relevant niche keywords for improved SEO.

6. Pronunciation: Ensure that each domain name is easily understandable when spoken or "radio-friendly."

7. Domain Extensions: Prioritize .com, .net, .org, and .ai extensions when applicable.

8. Legality. Refrain from infringing on existing trademarks or brands.

Your response should exhibit flexibility and creativity while maintaining a focused approach to the [niche] niche, providing a solid foundation for building a brand within that market.

In this case, your niche is an email validation service, so in the last line of the prompt, we have [niche]:. Right after [niche]: write “email validation service” like the example below:

[niche]: email validation service

Now paste that prompt into the chat bar of ChatGPT and hit enter. Then wait for ChatGPT to generate some prompts. It will give you a list of domain names or brand names with an explanation of why it chose this name, and you can pick one if you want.

ChatGPT generating business names for email validation service.

So, let’s say you did your research, got some ideas, and picked one. That’s not the main point. But the exciting thing is that your research may take hours, but ChatGPT can do the same work in seconds. Now, we got the name with the help of ChatGPT.

Step one is done. Let’s now move on to step number two.

Also read: Constant Contact vs TinyEmail: Which is The Best Tool For You?

Step 2: Build an Email Validation Tool

So how can we build an email validation tool? We mainly have three methods.

First Approach: Use PHP Scripts

Let’s start with the most straightforward approach: buying a ready-made script. For example, I searched the web and found a script on CodeCanyon called “Email Verifier Pro.”

CodeCanyon Email Validation PHP Script.

Though I haven’t tested it myself, it has good reviews. You can go to the live preview and test it before buying.

Purchasing this script will give you a complete email validation business. There’s also a SAS version available on their website if you want to build a business directly.

However, I recommend something other than this approach, especially for a technical website like ours. The technical side of email validation can be complex, as I’ll explain later in the post.

While I buy various scripts from CodeCanyon for building side projects and tools, it doesn’t fit best for an email validation service.

If you try it, rebrand the script and do some styling. Test everything thoroughly since support could be an issue.

If you face technical problems, you’ll have to wait for the author to fix them, and providing a business with clients and customers can make this challenging.

This approach might be more straightforward for developers who understand PHP code, but it could be challenging for beginners to provide support or update the script later on.

That’s why I prefer the second method.

Second Approach: Use APIs

The second approach is to develop a validation service on top of an API. If you log in to Debounce, for example, you will see the API option. You may use this API to leverage the email validation service with your own custom code.

Documentation or API reference on using Debounce API

The documentation provided by Debounce is outstanding and really useful. You can simply write the validation script in around 10 minutes with the help of this documentation and ChatGPT.

Codes are available for almost every language. You can find codes for Node.js, Ruby, PHP, Python, and even C-sharp. Try it out by copying and pasting the code and running it.

For example, in PromoterKit, the builders prefer using their validation system and APIs from Debounce. But the main issue with this approach is that you need to write some code.

Fortunately, we have ChatGPT that can help with coding. You have to use Python code-generating prompts, and for that, you have to go to Premium Prompt Library by Hassan (H-Educate), which will assist you in writing the script you need. Prompt Library is a paid resource, but no worry, here is a free guide to learning code prompting.

Remember to utilize caching with this API to save money. When a user confirms an email for the first time, the result might be cached. Then, instead of using the API again, you may receive the result from the cache for subsequent queries for the same email. You may save money by doing so while deploying the email validation service.

How to Monetize Email Validation Tool?

Before moving on to the third approach, which is the most advanced, involving building the email validation service from scratch, let’s see how we can monetize and make money with these scripts.

As we mentioned, the first method is to build a SaaS (Software as a Service) service similar to Debounce or NeverBounce, which are email validation services you pay for monthly or buy credits to validate your emails. Building the SaaS model is the most complex, and I’ll explain how we can build the interface. We have multiple options, so bear with me for a moment.

The second option is to sell an API on Rapid API. Selling API is the most accessible approach if you have watched videos on selling APIs. You create a simple script and publish it on Rapid API, where you can sell it every month.

For example, an email validation API on Rapid API published by PromoterKit. Soon, they will launch a course about building and selling APIs for beginners from scratch. You can join the waiting list by following this link.

Email Validation tool PromoterKit on Rapid AI

The third method is building a free tool like the one on Promoter Kit. It’s free, but they must log in or sign up. In this way, you can build your email list.

Another benefit of this type of website is banner ads; you can sell ad spaces or promote other products.

Creating a side project, especially with online tools, can be very important for your business as it can generate a lot of traction and traffic.

Advanced Approach: Email Validation From Scratch

Anyway, it’s time to learn advanced approaches to complicated technical stuff. I’ll do my best to make it as simple as possible, even if you want to avoid implementing this. Understand these concepts because they will significantly help you in business, mainly email marketing.

Usually, when you want to validate an email, we have three levels or steps.

The first is Syntax Validation, which ensures the email’s syntax is correct, with an “@” sign followed by domain extensions like “.com,” “.in,” etc., among other things. It is the easiest thing to validate. For example, if your email is “example.” and there is no “@,” then in this level, we will inform you by using a symbol like “cross” or “thumbs down.”

The second step of validation is MX Domain Validation. It entails connecting to the domain’s DNS and determining

whether the DNS contains a Mail Exchange Server (MX) entry. This step ensures that a mail server exists behind the domain. It is also straightforward to implement using Python and other tools. For instance, if someone types “,” the validation will reject it.

The third level is Mailbox Validation, which is the most difficult. The problem here is to validate the presence of the target mailbox. To validate this, typically send an email; if it bounces back, it’s invalid; if it’s delivered, it’s valid. The idea, though, is to verify without actually sending emails.

To accomplish this, you may encounter issues such as IP blocklisting. Even if the emails are genuine, mail servers may prevent you from attempting to validate them in mass, resulting in access denial or other complications. To circumvent blocklisting, you can use IP rotation, which employs numerous servers and IPs. Furthermore, rate limitation is required to avoid overloading the servers.

This step necessitates creating the entire code, testing each level, and resolving technological constraints such as employing numerous servers, IPs, and monitoring systems to avoid blocklisting and ensure accurate results.

Another issue is “catch-all” emails, in which the server responds with a legitimate email even if the email address does not exist (for example, in Yahoo mail servers). It complicates the validation procedure even further.

Also read: Drip vs TinyEmail: Which Email Marketing Tool is Right for You?

Step 3: Build the UI for the Tool

I want to move on to building the interface. It would be best to build a user interface (UI) to create an online tool. There are generally four approaches for this:

  1. Build it yourself using frameworks like React or Next JS. Instead of spending hours on YouTube shorts and Instagram reels, learn technical skills to help you.
  2. Hire a developer.
  3. Use no-code tools like, a website that helps you build websites without writing a single line of code. There are also other options like Framer and Webflow. You can do simple research to find more, and I’ll share some in my detailed guide.
  4. Use semi-code tools like Anvil. Anvil helps you build your UI on top of Python scripts. That’s why I recommend learning Python scripting, as it’s easy and offers numerous opportunities.

You can automate tasks and support your online business and marketing efforts. If you’re working alone from home or planning to start an online business, Python scripting will be a valuable skill for you.

So, those are the four ways to build a UI: semi-code tools, no-code tools, hiring a developer, or building it yourself.

Also read: ActiveCampaign vs TinyEmail: A Comprehensive Review

Marketing Your Email Validation Tool

Now let’s talk about marketing and launching your product after you finish implementing, whether it’s an API, a free tool, or a SaaS business. I’m sharing three main tips to push your service to market.

Tip number one is to publish on Product Hunt. You will find many websites as service businesses published on Product Hunt. When you publish your websites on Product Hunt, it will give you some exposure. You can also add rating badges on your website to help people find your product on Product Hunt and review your products.

The second way is by picking up two platforms, Twitter and Medium, and creating content around your service or business.

Number three is SEO. It’s one of the best strategies. It takes time, but it’s very important, especially if you learn the lean SEO technique I mentioned. You can pick around 100 keywords and create a template to start filling up this template with blog posts quickly. Today, we have powerful tools like ChatGPT, so you can create many blog posts and target many keywords to gain traction fast for your business.

By the way, let me reveal and give you something else. Let me show you another secret prompt about advanced keyword research and an SEO plan:

As an English-speaking SEO market research professional, your task is to develop a comprehensive SEO content strategy plan based on a specific keyword.

You must apply your extensive knowledge about keywords to compile a detailed markdown table that targets keywords centered around this specified keyword.

Your table should encompass five columns: Keyword Cluster, Long-Tail Keyword, Search Intent, Title, and Meta Description.

Begin by mapping out ten key categories under Keyword Cluster, drawing from related keywords.

In the Search Intent column, specify the searcher’s primary intent for each keyword, categorizing the topic as Commercial, Transactional, or Informational.

Next, devise an appealing yet concise title for a blog post related to each keyword to enhance click rates and note it in the Title column.

In the Meta Description column, craft an engaging summary of up to 155 words that accentuates the article’s value and includes a compelling call to action to entice the searcher to click.

Avoid generic phrases like 'introduction,' 'conclusion, or tl:dr' and focus exclusively on the most specific and relevant keywords.

Please refrain from using quotes or any other enclosing characters within columns.

Also, your entire table and all responses should be in fluent English.

Begin your task with the provided keyword: [keyword].

This prompt will help you create an SEO plan based on the keywords. To get output from this prompt, copy it and go to ChatGPT. Click on the new chat, and paste it.

Then replace [keyword] with “email validation service,” for example. This prompt will provide a table containing the keyword cluster, long-tail keyword, search intent, and more. An SEO content strategy you can use to push your business.

ChatGPT creates a table SEO Content Strategy.

So once you have your content strategy plan, you can start creating content based on the keywords you get from ChatGPT. You can upload the SEO plan in your Excel sheet and fill your blog with content.

This strategy will only work if you apply and upgrade your SEO knowledge.

I would never insist on promoting only these platforms. If some platform works for you, then you should promote your tool on that platform.

Suppose you have a good following on Instagram or your experience is better; Keep promoting your tool or service on Instagram.

Ultimately, you get traffic and sales only when you create content yourself or through various platforms.

That’s it. See you later!

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