Logos of ChatGPT and Shopify explaining Shopify ChatGPT Plugin

How to Use the Shopify ChatGPT Plugin to Boost Your Online Store

I am sure you must have heard about ChatGPT, an amazing chatbot-like AI tool launched by OpenAI which can generate text-based responses from any text-based input. But you can also use ChatGPT plugin to improve your online store on Shopify. If you do this, you can provide your customers with a better shopping experience.


You can now include ChatGPT in your Shopify store and delegate to it a variety of responsibilities, including customer assistance, product suggestions, and more, thanks to the Shopify ChatGPT plugin.

In this article, I’ll explain how to set up and utilize the Shopify ChatGPT plugin and why it’s revolutionary for e-commerce.

What is the Shopify ChatGPT Plugin?

Using the free and open-source Shopify ChatGPT plugin, you can connect your Shopify store to ChatGPT, the powerful natural language processing technology from OpenAI. This plugin with ChatGPT allows you to:

  • Use natural language searches to find items in your business. Using the free and open-source Shopify ChatGPT plugin, you can connect your Shopify store to ChatGPT, the powerful natural language processing technology from OpenAI.
  • Receive suggestions tailored to you based on your tastes, browsing history, and items from other Shopify merchants. You may enter “I like this jacket; what else do you have?” as an example. or “What kind of jewellery goes well with this dress?” ChatGPT will propose products based on your preferences and style.
  • Ask questions and receive responses on your shop, its goods, rules, and other topics. For instance, you may enter “What is your return policy?” or “How long does shipping take?” with reliable and useful information from ChatGPT.
  • Engage in conversation with customers while offering welcoming and fun customer service. ChatGPT will naturally and conversationally react when you enter things like “Hello, how can I help you today?” or “Thank you for shopping with us.”

Your online shop will become more interactive, personalized, and user-friendly for your consumers thanks to the Shopify ChatGPT plugin.

The automation of processes that normally require human involvement, it also helps you save time and money.

How to Install and Use the Shopify ChatGPT Plugin?

Try the Shopify ChatGPT plugin if you’re seeking a method to use artificial intelligence to improve your online store.

This plugin may link your Shopify store to OpenAI’s incredible ChatGPT natural language-generating technology.

You may utilize ChatGPT to manage activities like product search, suggestions, customer support, and more with the help of this plugin.

In this part, I’ll walk you through installing and using the Shopify ChatGPT plugin. Do not be concerned; it is not at all difficult.

You will be prepared to depart immediately if you simply follow these guidelines.

Step 1: Open your Shopify store and log in

Logging into your Shopify store is the first thing you should do. You can type your store’s URL, email address, and password into your browser.

You’ll see your store’s dashboard after you log in.

Step 2: Access the Settings page for the apps

Navigating to the Apps Settings page is the next thing you must do. You may manage every app you have installed or want to install for your shop here.

The “Settings” icon is in your dashboard’s bottom left corner. Click it to access it. Next, select “Apps” from the drop-down menu that follows.

Step 3: Select “Develop Apps” from the menu

You may view a list of all the applications you have installed or accessible from your store once you get on the Applications Settings page.

You must develop a bespoke app to install the Shopify ChatGPT plugin. To achieve this, select “Develop Apps” from the menu at the top right of the page.

Step 4: Click “Create an App”

You will be brought to a screen where you can develop and manage your customized applications after clicking the “Develop Apps” button.

Click the “Create an App” button to add a new app to the Shopify ChatGPT plugin.

Step 5: Name your app

You must then give your app a name. If another app still needs to claim it, you can select whatever name you like.

You may give it a name like “ChatGPT Plugin” or something like that. Click the “Create App” button after entering the name you want to use in the text field.

Step 6: Configure the Admin API Scopes

Your app has to have its Admin API Scopes configured after creation. These rights allow your app to access and control certain store data and functionalities.

You must provide your app with the necessary scopes, for instance, if you want it to be able to read and write items, orders, customers, etc.

Click the “Configure Admin API Scopes” button to set the Admin API Scopes for your app.

Then, choose the scopes you wish to provide your app from the list that displays. You will want at least these scopes for the Shopify ChatGPT plugin:

  • Read products
  • Read orders
  • Read customers
  • Read Shopify payments
  • Write script tags

If you want your app to have extra functionality, you may also choose from different scopes. After choosing all the scopes, press the “Save Changes” button.

Step 7: Install your app

After configuring the Admin API Scopes, you must put your app on your store. Select the “Install app” option under the “API Credentials” page to achieve this.

This will redirect you to a page where you can verify that you wish to download your app and give it permission to access the information and features of your store.

To confirm, click the “Install App” button once again. The successful installation of your app will be indicated by a notification.

Step 8: Once the token is revealed

Obtaining the access token for your app is the final step. This secret code enables the communication between your app and ChatGPT and action on your store’s behalf.

Later, you will want this token while configuring the Shopify ChatGPT plugin.

Click the “Reveal token once” button to obtain the access token for your app. A text box will display a lengthy string of characters and digits.

Your access token is this. Make a copy of it and store it securely. It is required in the following action.

Step 9: In the config.py file, paste the token.

Insert your app’s access token into the config.py file in the Shopify ChatGPT plugin’s GitHub repository. You can get and run the plugin’s code on your machine here.

Find the line that reads: “Paste your token here to add it to the config.py file” after opening it in a text editor.

TOKEN = " "

Replace the empty quotes with your token so it looks something like this:

TOKEN = "sk_1234567890abcdefg"

Save the file and close it.

Step 10: Run the app.py file

The repository’s app.py file must be run as the last step. This will launch the plugin and link it to ChatGPT and your store.

Open a terminal or command prompt and go to where you obtained the repository to run the app.py file. Then key in:

python app.py

You should see a message saying the plugin is running and listening for requests. Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed and activated the Shopify ChatGPT plugin for your store.

How to Use the Shopify ChatGPT Plugin?

You may use the Shopify ChatGPT plugin to engage with customers and increase sales now that you’ve installed and activated it.

Open ChatGPT in your browser and enter the following command to utilize the plugin:

#shopify chatbot plugin

This will tell ChatGPT that you want to use the plugin for your store. You’ll see a list of commands that you can use with the plugin, such as:

#search [query] to search for products in your store
#recommend [product] to get recommendations based on a product
#ask [question] to ask questions about your store or products
#chat [message] to chat with customers

You can also use natural language queries without commands, and ChatGPT will try to understand what you want.

For example, you can type:

  • “Show me blue dresses under $50.”
  • “What are some gift ideas for my mom.”
  • “How long does shipping take?”
  • “Hi, how can I help you today?”

In response, ChatGPT will provide pertinent information, ideas, solutions, or messages from your business.

Additionally, you may view product pictures and links to their pages on your shop.

The Shopify ChatGPT plugin may be used to assist you in managing your business or as a means to provide your consumers with a better shopping experience.

By changing the plugin’s code in the repository, you may also alter its functionality and look.

With ChatGPT, the great natural language generation engine from OpenAI, you can increase traffic to your online business.

The Shopify ChatGPT plugin is a strong and useful tool that can do this. It may assist you in giving your clients a better shopping experience, boost conversion rates, lighten your burden, and provide you with a competitive edge.

You should try the Shopify ChatGPT plugin if you’re searching for a means to grow your e-commerce business. You won’t regret it!

Why Should You Use the Shopify ChatGPT Plugin?

The Shopify ChatGPT plugin is a great way to leverage the power of AI for your online store. Here are some of the benefits of using it:

  • It improves the online shopping experience for your customers by giving them a more comfortable, personalized, and natural experience. Customers can search for what they need using their own words, receive recommendations based on their tastes, ask questions and responses, and interact with a helpful AI assistant.
  • It raises conversion rates by assisting clients in finding what they need more quickly, lowering bounce rates, boosting engagement, and cultivating trust and loyalty.
  • Automating processes like product search, suggestion, customer support, etc., that would otherwise need human interaction lessens your workload. Your time and resources may now be used for other company areas.
  • It provides a competitive edge by differentiating your online business with a special feature that draws more clients and increases sales.

Any e-commerce company that wants to keep up with the newest AI developments and stay competitive must have the Shopify ChatGPT plugin.

It’s simple to install, operate, and customize, and it may significantly impact the performance and expansion of your online business.

Conclusion: Shopify ChatGPT Plugin

With ChatGPT, the great natural language generation engine from OpenAI, you can increase traffic to your online business.

The Shopify ChatGPT plugin is a strong and useful tool that can do this. It may assist you in giving your clients a better shopping experience, boost conversion rates, lighten your burden, and provide you with a competitive edge.

You should try the Shopify ChatGPT plugin if you’re searching for a means to grow your e-commerce business. You won’t be sorry!

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